Friday, July 14, 2023

Today's Old WW 123 Success Program Menu Today's Bible Verse

 Today's menu:


homemade hushpuppies



mixed fruit


Today's Bible Verse:

Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

"Honor your father and mother..." (Exodus 20:12) is one of God's Ten Commandments. This is basic to God's plan for our lives. Families must be built on God's covenant of grace. Children learning to respect and obey their parents brings many blessings to the family, community, and culture. This early parental training helps children with the self-discipline they need throughout their lives. As adults, we preserve the dignity of our parents and teach our children important life lessons when we honor and respect our parents appropriately. Let's not get swept up in our era of parent-bashing and laissez-faire child-rearing. Let's bless our parents in ways that honor God and teach our children to do the same. (If your parents were ungodly or abusive, find older folks in your church family for your emotional and spiritual support while treating your physical parents with honesty, respect, and integrity as much as possible and honorable.)

My Prayer...

Loving Father and eternal God, thank you for my parents — physical and spiritual. Bless them with what they most need to find their way home to you. Please give me the wisdom to know the most appropriate way to show my love and respect to my parents. Most of all, Father, please help them to see that my love and character come from you. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Pictures of Flowers and my Homegrown Veggies

 This Hibiscus is doing great this year.  Also have a picture of my crepe mrytle (Branson Bush which what we call it since we got it in Branson several years ago).  It has been a fun challenge to get it ready for winter every year.  We have to put it to bed every winter since we are in a zone that is usually too cold for it.  So far, it has survived many winters.  As it doesn't have the long growing season that they do down south, ours doesn't get as large, but is still pretty.


Today's Old WW Plan 123 Success Menu & Today's Bible Verse

 Have been so busy with the holiday and trying to keep up with my work, that I just haven't had time to post.  Here is today's menu:

homemade pizza

air fried squash

pinto beans

homemade catsup


mixed fruit

cottage cheese

3 T powdered peanut butter

Today's Bible Verse:

Psalm 46:1-3

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging."