Tuesday, December 12, 2023

My WW 123 Success Menu, Christmas Bedroom Tree and Today's Bible Verse

 I was away from 7:30 until 5:00 yesterday, so my meals weren't planned so I stopped by the the deli and got me a Chinese meal and sat in my recliner and really enjoyed it after I got home.  I couldn't eat all of it so froze the rest. Of course, not the healthiest choice, but I enjoyed it anyway.  :)

coffee with protein shake

Chinese meal 


Today I am planning a little better:

coffee with protein shake

imitation crab meat made with a homemade gravy ( I have been making this for years and it is so good)

Put the gravy and crab meat on a flour tortilla.

lettuce salad

fresh pineapple probably made into a protein shake 


My bedroom Christmas tree.  I got out a vintage tree this year and am really enjoying it.  It's not the prettiest, but I like it.

Today's Bible Verse:

Do not hide your face from your servant; answer me quickly, for I am in trouble. Come near and rescue me; redeem me because of my foes.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Jesus came to show God's heart to us and to rescue us from our enemies. But today, in hostile parts of the world, as well as in the places many would least expect it, Christians are under daily attack. God sent Jesus not only to save us ultimately and totally from sin and its power but also to deliver us from the daily attacks from the evil one, our hostile cultures, and our battle with our fleshly desires. Let's pray that our loving God will work mightily in our world today to deliver his children from the clutches of tyranny, poverty, violence, abuse, and ridicule. Let's also pray that we recognize God rescuing and redeeming his children and praise him for his deliverance!

My Prayer...

Holy and righteous Father, please strengthen all your beloved children who find themselves under attack. Make your deliverance of them known and shown in the display of your mighty power. You are our Redeemer and Savior. In the name of your Son, Jesus, we pray:


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