Thursday, February 13, 2025

Picture of Birds at my Feeder this Morning

 The little birds are really enjoying the feed this morning out on my deck after our 7 or so inch snow yesterday.  As you can see, there is a cardinal in the tree just waiting for his turn at the feeder.  Yesterday, I mixed up some peanut butter and other things and put in one of my suet cake holders.  The woodpeckers are really going after that.  I have several cardinals, woodpeckers, finch, blue jays,  nuthatches and various small birds.  

I am waiting for warm weather so I can have robins and wrens, but know that is a few weeks off.  My flower planters and pots look so bad and am just waiting for warm weather, so I can get everything cleaned and started again.  

Today's Old WW 123 Success Menu

 Made a pizza bowl with:

cottage cheese

chicken patty

pasta sauce



protein shake

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

New Item for Sale - Duck Shelf Sitter or Bowl Filler Made from Old Quilt

 $10. plus $5.85 shipping.   Vintage quilt repurposed into a duck shelf sitter or bowl filler

Measures: approx. 9 inches long and 7 inches tall smoke free

Today's old WW 123 Success Program Menu and Picture of Yesterday's Cherry Dessert and Today's Bible Verse

 Today's menu:

2 chaffels made with egg sub and cheese for buns

fish patty

cottage cheese

mixed veggies

yogurt with strawberries

protein shake

Psalm 34:17 When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Getting Back to Old WW 123 Success Program Way of Eating with Today's Menu and Bible Verse

 I've been away from this for a while since I have been occupied with life in general - health problems with family member and other life situations; but, everything is back to normal, I think, and all is good. 

 I purchased some frozen dinners yesterday that I can fit into my program if I don't have time to prep.  I know they are loaded with sodium and things that aren't the greatest for you, but if it helps me stay on track, I will do them once in a while.  As all who have followed my blog, know that I sometimes have some strange unique menus, but I just eat what I want and fit it into the program.  So, today's menu:

2 chaffels made from Kodiak Baking Mix and will use for buns

Morningstar chicken pattie with onions, pickles

yogurt and berries

spinach with laughing cow cheese made into a spread and put on another chaffel or crackers

zero carb tortilla with sugar free cherry pie filling made into a dessert and put in the air fryer

Protein shake, if needed

Hope all have a great day.

Today's Bible Verse:

Psalms 34:14

14 Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

Prim set of 3 Handmade Shelf Sitter or Bowl Filler Dolls for Sale

 Here is a little set of 3 prim dolls that I have made.  They seem to be really popular and have sold several sets of these.  They are so much fun to make and seem to take on their own personalities.  $12.99 for the set and can be custom ordered.  These are 5 inches tall.  They are also available in larger ones - 8 inches. - $19.99. One picture shows the whole family which is available, too.  $24.99

Back from Being Away and my Set of Prim Bunnies and Carrots for Sale Bowl Fillers or Shelf Sitters

 I have been away.  Had some family members with health problems and just life.  Everything is all good and back to normal, I think.  I am starting back on my craft making  and my Old WW 123 Success Plan of Eating.  

Here is a set of prim bunnies and carrots shelf sitters or bowl fillers that I made recently.  They can be ordered and purchased here and are are aged and a little grungy.     I do take custom

orders.  $18.99 for the Set.