Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Getting Back to Old WW 123 Success Program Way of Eating with Today's Menu and Bible Verse

 I've been away from this for a while since I have been occupied with life in general - health problems with family member and other life situations; but, everything is back to normal, I think, and all is good. 

 I purchased some frozen dinners yesterday that I can fit into my program if I don't have time to prep.  I know they are loaded with sodium and things that aren't the greatest for you, but if it helps me stay on track, I will do them once in a while.  As all who have followed my blog, know that I sometimes have some strange unique menus, but I just eat what I want and fit it into the program.  So, today's menu:

2 chaffels made from Kodiak Baking Mix and will use for buns

Morningstar chicken pattie with onions, pickles

yogurt and berries

spinach with laughing cow cheese made into a spread and put on another chaffel or crackers

zero carb tortilla with sugar free cherry pie filling made into a dessert and put in the air fryer

Protein shake, if needed

Hope all have a great day.

Today's Bible Verse:

Psalms 34:14

14 Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

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