Saturday, September 10, 2022

My Calorie Counting

 I have been away for a while.  My sister came to visit and was able to stay for 10 days.  We had a fun time, but I got a little behind on my work.  She watches what she eats, so I had fun cooking us up some different things.  Made cola chicken, orange chicken, bean brownies and many other things.  She and I ate a large whole watermelon, but it was good.  She loves watermelon, but I never buy it for just myself being it is pretty high in sugar.

All of this was not too good on my blood sugar, so I am back on track.  Weight has pretty much stayed the same.

Yesterday's menu:

cottage cheese



large salad with turkey


Tried to watch my carbs so I could get my blood sugar stabilized again.

Today is going to be pretty low carb, too.  Already had egg, cottage cheese but may have chicken or tuna and more yogurt.

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