Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Today's Old WW 123 Success Program Menu

 Today's menu:



air fried turnips


homemade sugar free peach preserves made with sf jello

homemade cream of mushroom soup

skinny version of Wendy's frosty

Little short on protein today.  Had chicken cooked, but just didn't want that, so didn't eat it.  

Monday, October 30, 2023

Today's 123 Success old Weight Watchers Plan Menu with Homemade Items Cooked this Morning

 Been pretty much cooking all morning.  Made veggie taco meat mix, noodles, coleslaw and cream of mushroom soup.

Today's Menu:

Coffee with protein shake

Taco meat with noodles

coleslaw with homemade Greek yogurt dressing

peaches with yogurt

Homemade cream of mushroom soup this evening.  

Am excited to have some different things cooked up for my week.  

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Getting Back to WW 123 Success Program Tomorrow

 Been off my program WW 123 Success Program for a few days - I guess I was taking a break.  Seem like I have to do that some; but tomorrow is a good time to get back on.  Weather has turned so cold, that i think I need to make some very low point soup. 

Cooked chicken today so have a lot of that to eat - maybe to put in my soup.

Will be posting tomorrow's menu.  

Today's Bible Verse:

 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

- Philippians 3:14 

New Post in my Etsy Shop Listing Mini Old Quilt Pouches or Pockets with May the Lord Bless & Keep You


                                                              Just listed in my Etsy Shop

Thursday, October 26, 2023

New Listing in my Etsy Shop for Peacock Table Runner

                                             Just listed in my Etsy Shop

Today's Old WW 123 Success Program Menu and my Branson Bush and Bible Verse

 We have been having nice weather here in the Midwest, but is going to change and get cold starting tomorrow.  I have most of my mums planted, but still have three more to go.  It is raining today, so probably won't get those done .   We have to cover our "Branson Bush" as we call it.  Years ago we got a Crepe Myrtle Bush in Branson Mo and since we are in the wrong zone for those, we have to put it to bed for winter.  We use insulation with sacks over that and then finish up putting a large tub over it.  This has been several years ago;  so far, it has come up in the Spring.  

Today's Menu:

Veggie chicken patty


Assorted air fried veggies - turnips, mushrooms, and peppers dipped in homemade sugar free catsup

Homemade blackberry ice cream protein powder and blackberries that we picked this summer. 

homemade cherry tart

I was really hungry today, but am stuffed right now.  

Bible verse for today:

Your statutes stand firm; holiness adorns your house for endless days, O Lord.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

So many of the material things we pursue are temporary. Their usefulness lasts only months, or at most, only a few short years. Even our lives, and the lives of those we love, are short. The defining quality of God's character, holiness,* is forever — "for endless days." So as we build our lives, let's construct them on a secure foundation, the will of God and a commitment to share in his holiness by living to honor him.

* As the seraphim in Isaiah's vision cried out, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty...!" (Isaiah 6:1-4).

My Prayer...

Holy God, thank you for making me holy and forgiving my sin by your grace (Romans 5:6-11Colossians 1:22-23). Please fill me with your Spirit and bring forth the Spirit's fruit in my life so that I reflect your grace and holy character. Please give me a hunger to know your will as I seek your truth and apply it to my life. I want to build my life with you at its center, with your holiness as my goal. In Jesus' precious name, I pray. Amen.


Friday, October 20, 2023

Today's WW 123 Success Program Menu

 Today's menu:

veggie patty

air fried mushrooms and peppers stuffed with veggie cream cheese

homemade tomato sauce

cucumbers with homemade yogurt dip

yogurt with fruit

protein shake

Today's Bible Verse:

Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Life can be so confusing. We have many choices as we decide the values governing our lives. So how will we find the best way — and much more importantly, God's way — to live? We ask God to show us! Our hope is in him. Our salvation is in him. So why not ask him to guide us and teach us his truth? Why not expect that he will make his will known to us? If our hearts are open to his truth and we seek his path, he will make his will known. So, as we seek the answers to our questions, and as we seek to know God's truth from the Scriptures, let's invite God to help us:

Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

My Prayer...

O mighty God, the only accurate guide to life, please help me know your will more completely. I want to live for you and to please you. I want others to know of my allegiance to you — not just through the words I speak but also through the character of my conduct. I want my life to demonstrate that you are guiding me, and my hope is in you! In Jesus' name, I ask this. Amen.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

New Listings in my Etsy Shop - Faux Leather Booklets and Peacock Dresser or Piano Scarf


                                 Two of my new listings in my Etsy Shop - Little faux leather journals with 8 pages for notes and a hand painted peacock scarf

Today's WW 123 Success Menu

 Today's menu:

Coffee with protein shake

Veggie chicken patty

green beans

Greek yogurt

fruit - maybe peaches or blueberries

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Down 2# with WW 123 Success Plan - 3# from Goal and Bible Verse for Today

 I am so thrilled that the WW 123 Success Plan is still working for me.  I am just 3# away from my goal.  This is definitely the plan for me and one that I can stick with and enjoy a variety.  Too restrictive is just for me.  

Today may be a day when I do not count - I guess you would call it a "cheat day".  I didn't used to have these when I was so far away from my goal; but now I do and then get right on track on Monday.  It seems to work for me.  I don't go too overboard on carbs, but enjoy what I want.  

Today's Bible Verse:

 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

In baptism, we are united with Christ in his death (see Romans 6:1-14 for the background of this devotional meditation). Our old sinful selves are crucified with Christ. We are no longer slaves to sin. We are freed from sin, death, and evil powers that could separate us from God (Colossians 2:12-151:13-14). We are alive in Christ — the one whom sin could not master and death could not conquer. His life is now our life. His victory is our victory. His future is our future (Colossians 3:1-4). Let's set our hearts to live based on this certainty, realizing that we are dead to our past failures and sins and now alive to Jesus' future for us!

My Prayer...

Gracious Father, I find it incredible that you killed my past failures with Jesus' death on the cross. You put all my past sins in the grave of your crucified Son. You have raised me to a new life in Christ, united with him and his glorious future. Inspire me to find meaning, joy, and victory in Jesus. Strengthen me with your Spirit and conform me more perfectly to my Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18). Please empower me to live, fully trusting that all of my sin is dead, buried, and gone. Please give me the confidence that my new life is bound up with Jesus and his future. Jesus, thank you for this hope, and offer this praise in your name. Amen.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Today's Weight Watchers 123 Success Program Menu

 Today's menu:

coffee with protein shake

Salisbury Steak entree




Today's Bible Verse:

Break the arm of the wicked and evil man; call him to account for his wickedness that would not be found out.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

It is hard not to get discouraged when evil and wicked people get away with what is reprehensible — especially when they gloat about it. Christians on every continent have things that greatly trouble them about the evil perpetrated in their corner of the world. Corrupt power abuses those who belong to God's people and distorts the differences between good and evil. Let's join together, believers from around the world, and ask God to intervene in a clear, decisive way and bring these days of violence and wickedness to an end!

My Prayer...

Holy and righteous Father, please break the power of wickedness that reigns in our world and bring it to an end. Make it clear that the fall of evil's power is at the hand of the Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus, destroy every power that stands between God and us. Please, Lord, bring the glorious beginning of the eternal reign of your Kingdom. To your glory, Lord Jesus, and in your name, I pray. Amen.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Still Doing WW 123 Success Old Program with Today's Menu

 Have been away a few days with wedding in the family.  I am just 4# away from my goal and still loving the program.  

I have been pretty much eating what I want, but today I am back on my point counting.

Today's menu: 

Coffee with protein shake

veggie patty with bun

stuffed with veggie cream cheese and air fried mushrooms and peppers

yogurt and fruit


Today's Bible Verse

I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord.

Sale in my Etsy Shop for Fall Items - Pumpkin Family and Candice Corn

 Sale in my Etsy Shop

My handmade pumpkin family and Candice Corn are all on sale as well as other items.  More clearance will be listed soon.