Saturday, October 14, 2023

Down 2# with WW 123 Success Plan - 3# from Goal and Bible Verse for Today

 I am so thrilled that the WW 123 Success Plan is still working for me.  I am just 3# away from my goal.  This is definitely the plan for me and one that I can stick with and enjoy a variety.  Too restrictive is just for me.  

Today may be a day when I do not count - I guess you would call it a "cheat day".  I didn't used to have these when I was so far away from my goal; but now I do and then get right on track on Monday.  It seems to work for me.  I don't go too overboard on carbs, but enjoy what I want.  

Today's Bible Verse:

 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

In baptism, we are united with Christ in his death (see Romans 6:1-14 for the background of this devotional meditation). Our old sinful selves are crucified with Christ. We are no longer slaves to sin. We are freed from sin, death, and evil powers that could separate us from God (Colossians 2:12-151:13-14). We are alive in Christ — the one whom sin could not master and death could not conquer. His life is now our life. His victory is our victory. His future is our future (Colossians 3:1-4). Let's set our hearts to live based on this certainty, realizing that we are dead to our past failures and sins and now alive to Jesus' future for us!

My Prayer...

Gracious Father, I find it incredible that you killed my past failures with Jesus' death on the cross. You put all my past sins in the grave of your crucified Son. You have raised me to a new life in Christ, united with him and his glorious future. Inspire me to find meaning, joy, and victory in Jesus. Strengthen me with your Spirit and conform me more perfectly to my Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18). Please empower me to live, fully trusting that all of my sin is dead, buried, and gone. Please give me the confidence that my new life is bound up with Jesus and his future. Jesus, thank you for this hope, and offer this praise in your name. Amen.

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