Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Today's OMAD with Picture and Recipe

 Today's Menu:

Sausage gravy on flour tortilla


Homemade SF peach cobbler

The recipe for the gravy is from one of Joanna Lund's cookbooks.  It is for Hamburger Milk Gravy on Pg 214 of the Health Exchanges Cookbook.  I have most of her cookbooks and use them quite often.

I did make some substitutions - I used sausage instead of ground beef and I only had reduced fat cream cheese. Still yummy.

8 oz ground turkey or beef

2 C skimmed milk

3 T flour

1/2 C ff cream cheese

1/2 C frozen peas

2 T chop pimiento

1 t dried parsley flakes31/4 t black pepper

2 English muffins, split & toasted (I didn't have those so used a flour tortilla.

I combined all and cooked until thickened.  Place on the muffins.

Serves 4 - approx. 245 calories

The peach cobbler was another one of her recipes on pg 248 of Cooking Healthy with a Man in Mind.

1 pkg vanilla cook and serve pudding

1 pkg sf lemon gelatin

2 cups (16 oz can) peached, drained 

2 T  pecans for topping

7.5 oz Pillsbury biscuits

1 T sweetner

1/2 t nutmeg

Cook all of the ingredients until thick.  (1 1-1/2 C water plus peach juice) except the biscuits which go on top and pecans  

put in 8 by 8 sprayed baking dish and top with biscuits. Sprinkle sweetener and nutmeg   Bake 12 - 15 min until biscuits are golden brown

6 serv. at 167 calories each.

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