Monday, February 2, 2015

Good Day Following my Eating Plan

Today was a great day here in the Midwest although we have 10 inches of snow on the ground and the temp this a.m. was only 1 deg.

 My eating plan went well.  Here is my menu:

B - Greek yogurt
      oopsie roll

L - cauliflower and broccoli
      1/3 c, sf  turkey sloppy jos
      3 corn tortillas
      1 serving sf homemade butterscotch peanut butter dessert

D - 1 c. homemade broth
      1 oopsie roll
       3/4 c, blueberries

Walked 60 minutes total - 2  times  30 min. each

Lots of water

Looking forward to making Tuesday a great day, too


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