Tuesday, January 29, 2019

More Pictures of My Custom Primitive Dolls - Waiting for Homes

These girls are some of my newly designed primitive dolls.  There is Stella, Matilda, Annabelle, Gigi with her baby, Moo, and Minnie.  All have their own "personalities" and are just waiting to find a home.
Please contact me if you would like to give them a home or would like a custom made doll.

Cold Cold Night in the Midwest

Well, if you like cold weather, the Midwest is the place to be tonight.  We are expecting 16 below 0 with wind chills anywhere from -35 to -50 Deg. F.  Everyone needs to be cautious with extreme temps.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Working on more Primitive Dolls Today

Another snowy day here in the Midwest. It has been snowing almost every day lately.  We have had more snow already this winter than last year.

I have been working on more primitive dolls today and will post pictures some time soon.

I really enjoy making these and it is so much fun giving them their little "features" and unique clothing.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Primitive Hanging Heart with Rusty Wire Hanger and Love Just Listed in my Etsy Shop

                                           Just listed in my Etsy Shop

My New Primitive Doll, Matilda, with Her Baby, Mimi

This my newest addition to my primitive doll collection - Matilda and her baby, Mimi .  She was just completed yesterday.  I have two more that I will be completing today and will post pictures later.

Please e-mail me with any questions or if you are interesting in purchasing.  I also do custom dolls, too.

Snowy Day in the Midwest

Another snowy day here in the Midwest.  It is coming right down, but I didn't think it was in our forecast until later.  Oh well.  We have approximately 20 inches on the ground today.  It didn't do this all at once, but it is piling up.  Very pretty here.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Vintage Feedsack Scrap Packets Just Listed in my Etsy Shop

     Vintage feedsack fabric sampler packets just listed in my Etsy Shop 

Pictures of My Primitive Dolls

Here are some pictures of my little primitive dolls that I completed.
This is Gigi and her baby Goo Goo.  Gigi is 16 inches tall  

This is Stella and she is approximately 21 inches tall.  She is nice size and is wearing a pretty decorated petticoat.  She is a little tattered and worn looking but has a great "personality".  She is just waiting for a forever home. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Primitive Dolls

I have been working on some little primitive dolls the last few days.  I will post pictures later.  I love to make these and give them all their "personalities".

Friday, January 11, 2019

Vintage Feedsack Scrap Packets Just Listed in my Etsy Shop

I have just listed more Vintage Feedsack Scrap Packets in my Etsy Shop. 

New Valentine Hearts - Custom Orders Welcome

I have just completed some Valentine hearts that I am selling.  I also do custom orders for these.  They are approximately 8 inches high by 4 inches wide.  With the hanger, they measure 10 inches.

If you would like a certain one made, please message me.  These are new and are not listed in my Etsy Shop as of yet.  I also have some primitive ones that I will be taking pictures of soon.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Still on OMAD Plan - Menu for Today

Sun is shining here again this morning  in the Midwest. We are expecting rain with a little snow later this week.  After all, it is January.

I am still doing my OMAD weight loss plan.  I am not weighing daily - will weigh once a week.

Plan on working on more of my crafts today and will post pictures later.

Today's menu:
Pork Chops
Salad with Dressing
Homemade Corn Casserole
Fruit with yogurt

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Still Doing Well on OMAD Weight Loss Plan

Another nice January day here in the Midwest.  Still nice outside so I have been walking with my little dogs.  We are supposed to get some snow Friday or Saturday, but then warm up again.  We sure shouldn't  complain about January so far.

I have been so busy the past couple days with walking, cooking  and some Valentine crafts.  I will post pictures soon.  I am going to start on some of my primitive dolls again. 

I am still doing my weight loss plan (OMAD).  It is so easy.  The scales stayed the same today; but my clothes are fitting better, so know I am losing inches.

My menus the past two days have pretty much remained the same:

Pork chop
homemade corn casserole
salad with dressing
homemade sugar free blueberry cobbler

Bible verse "I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me" (Philippians 4:13)  cover.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

My Sixth Day on the OMAD Weight Loss Plan

Nice January day here in the Midwest.  Just got back from walking my little dogs.  They absolutely love the crisp cool weather.  I have to dress with several layers in weather  like this.

This is my 6th day on OMAD.  It is so doable and I am doing great. I am down 12 pounds since Tuesday morning.  Sure my loss will slow down quite a bit but that is okay because I am getting to eat what I want with no restrictions - just stay in my calorie limit.

Today's Menu:

Fish pattie on flour  tortilla
3 spring roll cooked in the air fryer
Dill muffin with cream cheese spread
Cherry dessert pizza
Flaxseed and chia seed

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Weight Down Another 1.8 Pounds Since Yesterday Morning Doing OMAD

Nice sunshinney day here in the Midwest.  I will get to go outside and walk again today.  Did that yesterday with my little dogs and it was gorgeous out especially for a January day.

My OMAD (one meal a day) weight loss plan is coming along wonderfully.  I am down this morning by 1.8 pounds since yesterday morning.  I started this way of eating on Tuesday.  This makes a loss of 12 pounds so far.  I know that a lot of this is water retention weight from all of the salt and sugar during the holidays.  Clothes are fitting much better and I am so thankful that I started OMAD again.

Today's menu:

Homemade chilli with beef and beans
3 tostados
Sour cream
salad with dressing
2 oz cheese
2 T flax seed
1 T chia with probiotics.
homemade sf cherry pizza

I can hardly wait for my meal today.  I think it will be yummy. 

Friday, January 4, 2019

Today's OMAD (One Meal a Day) Weight Loss Menu

Today's menu:

Cheeseburger with onion on bun
100 calorie chips
Salad with spicy salsa dressing
Cherry Pizza

I usually have my meal anywhere from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  I prefer around 3:00 as I don't tend to get hungry by bedtime then. 

My Joanna Lund Recipes Doing OMAD

I love my Joanna Lund cookbooks and am really enjoying making some of the recipes for my OMAD (one meal a day weight loss).

If you have never heard of Joanna, she was a cookbook author from here in the Midwest.  I have been collecting her cookbooks for years having over 40 of them.  I have acquired many of them really cheap on Amazon.

I do cook most of my food, but I also keep prepared meals in the freezer just in case I don't have the time to start from "scratch".

She also put out newsletters which have some really good recipes.

The recipes are very simple.  If I don't have a particular ingredient, I do make substitutions.

Ten Pounds Lost Since I Started my OMAD Weight Loss Diet Plan

Actually OMAD (one meal a day diet) is really working for me.  I am down 10 pounds since I restarted this plan on Tuesday (Jan 1).  I am getting rid of the holidays weight gain.  I know a lot of my weight loss is from water retention due to too  much salt and sugar; but, hey, I will take it.

This is a wonderful time of year to get on this plan for me as I am looking forward to Spring and wearing all of my Spring clothes.  That is a great motivator for me   I have  approximately 15 pounds to get to my goal and should be able to get there in a few weeks.  I am in no hurry, just keeping on plan and I know it will happen.

I am eating what I want only just eating one time a day within my calorie range.  This is the joy of eating this way.  I don't have to limit any food just so I count it in my calorie limit.  A lot of people on this way of eating don't count calories; but; for me, I need to do that to keep me on track.  Everybody is different, so whatever works for each individual is the way to go.  I try to eat a variety of meat, fruit, veggies, dairy and fats.  I don't restrict carbs as some do, but really enjoy them. 

I am drinking lots of water and getting exercise.

Yesterday's menu:
Hearty chilli with ground beef and beans
Green Beans
Cornmeal dill muffin
Cherry Pizza

All of these recipes are from my collection of Joanna Lund's cookbooks.  The cherry pizza is made from cherries and homemade sugar free pie filling.  Very yummy.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Making Some Joanna Lund Recipes Today

Today was a cooking day for me to use some of my Joanna Lund Healthy Cookbooks. 

I made some hearty chilli to put over steamed rice. Also made a delicious fruit pizza with homemade sugar free cherry pie filling.  My  cornmeal dill muffins were very good.  All of these recipes were from Joanna's cookbooks.  I have over 40 of her  books in my collection that offer a wide variety of recipes. 

New Start on my Weight Loss Plan After the Holidays

Seems like the holidays are my downfall as far as maintaining my weight.  I guess I just can't resist all of the "goodies". 

But, on January 1, I started on "One Meal a Day" or OMAD as it is called.  I have lost weight doing this before and seems to be the easiest plan I have done so far.  I am also counting calories to be sure that I stay in my calorie range.  I am eating a wide range of foods.  I make sure I get proteins, fruits, veggies and fats.  I am not restricting anything just making sure it fits in my calorie range. 

I have lost 9# since Tuesday, but am sure it is water weight; but I will take it as it needs to go, too.

Vintage Feedsack Fabric Scrap Packets Listed in my Etsy Shop Today

                              Please check these listings in my Etsy Shop