Thursday, January 3, 2019

New Start on my Weight Loss Plan After the Holidays

Seems like the holidays are my downfall as far as maintaining my weight.  I guess I just can't resist all of the "goodies". 

But, on January 1, I started on "One Meal a Day" or OMAD as it is called.  I have lost weight doing this before and seems to be the easiest plan I have done so far.  I am also counting calories to be sure that I stay in my calorie range.  I am eating a wide range of foods.  I make sure I get proteins, fruits, veggies and fats.  I am not restricting anything just making sure it fits in my calorie range. 

I have lost 9# since Tuesday, but am sure it is water weight; but I will take it as it needs to go, too.

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