Wednesday, June 14, 2023

My day and Garden - Today's WW 123 Success Menu & Bible Verse

Been busy painting fence this morning and watering my flowers this afternoon.  Fertilized all of my flowers and tomato plants yesterday.  I will try to post pictures soon.  I also have a "tomato and pepper" garden on one of my decks.  Most of my plants are "cherry" tomato plants with lots of green tomatoes.  Can hardly wait until I can go out there and pick some.  This is a lot nicer and easier for me to take care of than having a large garden in the ground anymore.  

Saw a squirrel on my deck yesterday, so hope he doesn't try to destroy my plants.  

Today's menu:


2 sl. light bread


air fried mushrooms and peppers stuffed with cashew cream cheese



Lean Cursine Entree (grilled chicken & veggies with sauce)

Today's Bible Verse:

May the God of peace, ...that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will.

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