Thursday, June 29, 2023

Today's WW 123 Success Old Plan Menu & Bible Verse

 Today's menu: 

Veggie chicken nuggets

Skinny bun

cashew cream cheese stuffed in mushrooms and home grown peppers


2 servings yogurt

protein mashed potatoes 

Today's Bible Verse:

Correct me, Lord, but only with justice — not in your anger, lest you reduce me to nothing.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

We know that God is love! We know the Lord's justice is filled with faithful, lovingkindness. But God is also holy and righteous! If he did not lovingly and tenderly correct us, we could not survive before his tremendously awe-inspiring perfection. Yet our God has chosen to give us his undeserved mercy and kindness as he corrects us and molds us to be more like him — the God we see in Jesus. Because of God's grace and Jesus' sacrifice, we stand before God "holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation" (Colossians 1:22). Yes! We can stand before the Lord because of Jesus!

My Prayer...

Holy and righteous Father, I want to become more like you in righteous character, gracious compassion, faithful lovingkindness, and justice. But please, dear Father, humble and correct me gently, for you know how insignificant and flawed I am compared to you. In the name of my Savior, your Son Jesus, I pray. Amen.

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