Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Today's Calorie Counting Menu with Another of My All Time Favorite Hymns

Weight is staying the same.  I am pleased with that.  Had gone down quite a bit in the last 2 weeks.   

Just had new blood work done and found I need to do tighter control with my carbs and also watch things that might raise my cholesterol.   It is down a few points as to the number the last time it was checked.  Don't want to go on meds for either if I don't have to.  So, am going to try to watch a little closer.  More veggies, fruit, fiber foods.  Tough, but I can do it. 

Today's Menu:

Egg Whites

Homemade chilli with beans

veggie - kale and cabbage

Cheerios with almond milk


air fried yellow squash

Angel Band

My latest sun is sinking fast
My race is nearly run
My strongest trials now are past
My triumph hath begun
Oh come, angel band
Come and around me stand
Oh, bear me away on your snow-white wings
To my immortal home
Oh, bear me away on your snow-white wings
To my immortal home
I've almost gained my heav'nly home
My spirit loudly sings
The holy ones, behold they come!
I hear the noise of wings
Oh come, angel band
Come and around me stand
Oh, bear me away on your snow-white wings
To my immortal home
Oh, bear me away on your snow-white wings
To my immortal home
Oh come, angel band
Come and around me stand
Oh, bear me away on your snow-white wings
To my immortal home
Oh, bear me away on your snow-white wings
To my immortal home

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