Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sunday Calorie Counting Menu with " Sorta" Recipe

 Today's menu

Coffee with protein powder

My recipe of cross between stroganoff and maybe meatballs and gravy - stir fried cabbage, onions and mushrooms in chicken broth.  Added 1/2 cup jarred beef gravy, ready made meatballs and a dollop of plain Greek yogurt for sour cream replacement plus seasoning.  Made a nice thick sauce.

Yogurt and mixed berries

Portioned snacks

Cottage cheese

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Today's Calorie Counting Menu

 Today's meals were very easy quick to fix.  Took the day off cooking since it's  Saturday. 😊


Michelina  200 calorie entree

2 sl bologna

Sl low fat cheese

6 saltines

Greek yogurt with berries

Snack of peanut butter puffs

2 T  powdered peanut butter 

Friday, January 28, 2022

Today's Calorie Counting Menu:

 Today's Menu:

Coffee with protein shake

Chili on top of baked potato

salad with 2T dressing

baked apple topped with Greek yogurt

cottage cheese with applesauce

6 saltines

  • But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Today's Counting Calorie Menu with Picture

My calorie range changes from day to day, but today's is 896.  I try to stay around 1000 - at least not go over too often.  I am a carb eater - have to have those so I feel well.  When I cut those out, I don't do so well.  I know this weight loss is slow, but it is worth it, to be able to enjoy my food.  
I love this way of eating as I can have anything I want just so it fits in my calorie range.  If I don't have room for a food, there is always tomorrow and make it fit in before I add my other foods. 

 Today's Menu:

Chilli on top of corn chips with mixed veggies and 1 sl cheese


Homemade cherry turnover

Blackberries with Greek yogurt with 1 T flaxseed

  • But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Today's Calorie Counting Menu Plus Recipe for Crabmeat with Gravy

 Today's menu:

protein shake in coffee

homemade crabmeat with veggies and sauce


Greek yogurt


Fiber One bar (70 cal)

The above picture is the crabmeat dish.  I had a little more on my plate but had already eaten a few bites before I thought to take a picture. :)

The recipe: Crabmeat, Veggies & Gravy

200g cabbage with 1/2 onion cooked in 2 cups of chicken broth until tender

add:  1/3 cup dry milk

85g  imitation crabmeat

salt and pepper


put on tortilla

  • The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Today's Calorie Counting Menu

 Today's menu: 

2 sl light bread

1 T peanut butter

2 T sf jelly

Chicken thigh & leg


Made dessert same as yesterday - pie filling in tortilla and baked

1/2 c. cottage cheese

1/2 c applesauce

6 saltines

  • And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Down .2# Today with Calorie Counting Menu

 Down .2 again today.  Very slow, but that is fine with me because I am eating what I want and not feeling deprived.  If I want something, I will just fit it into my plan.    I have tried all sorts of weight loss diets and have lost fast, but I gained it right back.  Two years ago, I was at goal and gained it all back.   So, this time, I am trying to be sensible about it. 

Today's menu:

Coffee with protein shake

Wrap with flour tortilla, ground venison, onions, swiss cheese baked in the oven


dessert wrap with flour tortilla and cherry pie filling baked in the oven (didn't have sugar free canned pie filling so used regular - just less.  

Sometimes I made my own sugar free pie filling with sf pudding and jello and the fruit.  This thickens up nicely.

cottage cheese

1/2 cup applesauce

6 saltines

Hope all have a blessed day.

  • For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Today's Calorie Counting Menu -Down .2#

 Today's menu:

4 sl Turkey bacon

Egg roll


Yogurt with mixed fruit

Chicken salad

Cottage cheese


Saturday, January 22, 2022

Today's Calorie Counting Menu - Going to Switch it up a Little - Down .6# this morning

 Have a "heat wave" here in the Midwest today.  Supposed to get 40 today so will be a welcome change from the teens.

Was down .6# this morning.  I don't usually weigh daily, but have been for the past few days.  I am going to switch things up a little today.  I plan on having lots of protein because I am hungry for that.  I will still count calories, but just some different food.  Today's menu:

2 eggs and 2 sl turkey bacon

chicken hindquarter (leg and thigh) air fried


chicken salad

Hope all have a wonderful blessed day.  

  • But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
    whose confidence is in him.
    They will be like a tree planted by the water
    that sends out its roots by the stream.
    It does not fear when heat comes;
    its leaves are always green.
    It has no worries in a year of drought
    and never fails to bear fruit.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Today's Counting Calories Menu

 Still very cold here in the Midwest so my menu is:

Chilli with veggies on flour tortilla

1 sl reduced fat cheese

cottage cheese


6 saltines

apricots with yogurt

Thursday, January 20, 2022

New Handmade Prim Valentine Heart Lady Shelf Sitter Just Listed in my Etsy Shop

                                             Just listed in  my Etsy Shop

Calorie Counting Menu for Today and Down 9# Since I started on January 1 Ice Cream Picture & Recipe

 Very frigid day here in the Midwest.  It is almost noon and we have 1 deg.   Brrr 

Weighed today and am down 9# since January 1 am doing my calorie counting, so I am happy.  I have had a few days that weren't the best, but I am definitely eating pretty  much what I want.  Of course, I try to eat a balanced meal; but, I am not always good at that.  That is my goal, anyway.  :)

Today's Menu:

Air fried fish patty with bun with 1 sl low fat cheese

Mixed veggies

Homemade protein ice cream (recipe below)

cottage cheese


6 saltines

For my homemade ice cream I used 1 scoop caramel Quest protein powder, 1/3 cup dry milk powder, water, sweetener, vanilla, ice cubes.  Made in my little blender and froze.  As my indulgent, topping was  a 70 calorie Fiber One bar and 1 Tablespoon of strawberry glaze.  I put it in the freezer, but it was thick right out of my  blender.  Just partially froze before I ate it.  Made a lot and was really yummy.  

Hope everyone has a good day and stays warm. 

Yesterday's Menu

Had to be away most of the day so  planned an easy menu.  My crock pot chili  just hit the spot in this frigid weather.

raspberry 50 cal. yogurt

Crock pot chilli  with veggies, tomato sauce, pinto beans

Yogurt and baked apple

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Yesterday's Counting Calories Menu

 Was so busy yesterday, that I didn't get my menu posted.  So here it was:

coffee with dry milk

Italian veggies with rice 

frozen entree with broccoli

yogurt and blueberries

cottage cheese

rice with 4 oz turkey

yogurt made into yo cheese to spread on crackers

6 saltines

Was extra hungry, so had a few extra filling calories.  Still within my range, but just more than I normally eat.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Today's Calorie Counting Menu

 Today's menu:

Coffee with protein powder

Shrimp with cooked cabbage and onions with homemade sauce

Flour tortilla

Yogurt and apricots

Flax and chia

Cottage cheese with applesauce

6 saltines with 1 oz melted cheese

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Winter wonderland here in the Midwest and Today's Menu

 We had 5 inches of snow here. As we had rain first, the snow is still stuck on the trees.   Beautiful.

Here is today's calorie counting menu:

2 sl low calorie bread with 1 T peanut butter and sf jelly

Lean cuisine pizza 

Yogurt and prunes

Cottage cheese


6 saltines 

Friday, January 14, 2022

Today's Calorie Counting Menu

 Was away yesterday, so didn't get my menu posted but here is

Today's menu:

Air fried fish sandwich with veggies

Yogurt and blueberries

Cottage cheese and applesauce

6 saltines

Flax and chia

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Today's Calorie Counting Menu

 Today has been one of those days where I could eat the house if I would let myself.😒  Don't like those days, but they happen to all of us.  Did my 30 minutes of exercise and really feel good about that I am getting that in.  May walk 20 or 30 minutes later on today.

Today's Menu:

2 sl low calorie bread with egg and low fat cheese

Frozen dinner - macaroni & beef

Blueberries & yogurt with flax, chia and collagen powder

Protein Shake this evening

Little low on veggies today - just didn't take time to fix any.  Will plan on doing better tomorrow.

Have a great evening.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Today's Calorie Counting Menu and New Exercise Program

 I usually walk for exercise, but started working out with a different video yesterday.  I thought I would be so stiff and sore this morning, but I wasn't.  

Did today's which was for arms, so may affect me more.  Guess I will see.     

Today's menu:

Coffee with dry milk pdr.

Imitation crab meat and veggies in homemade cream sauce

Mixed berries and Greek yogurt with flax seed

Salad & dressing

cottage cheese and applesauce

6 saltines

Hope everyone has a great evening.  

New Scale and Yesterday's Menu for Calorie Counting

 Got my  new scale that I had ordered.  Not going to weigh until Monday.  If it weighs a little different, I might get discouraged and don't want to take a chance of that happening.  ☺

Today's menu:

Coffee with nonfat milk

Baked potato with veggie protein crumbles and low fat cheese 

Black olives

Air fried fish Pattie sandwich with bun

Air fried veggies

Baked apple and yogurt

Hope all have had a great day


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Down 2# Today with my Calorie Counting Menu

 I am so happy with my calorie counting weight loss - down 10# since Jan 1.

Today's menu 

Coffee with dry milk 

Smart ww Entree

Berries and yogurt

Sauerkraut and Turkey Frank's

Baked apple and yogurt

Saturday`s Menu for my Calorie Counting Weight Loss


Was too busy to get my menu posted, so here it is a day late.

Saturday`s Menu:

Coffee with dry milk 

Baked potato with refried beans, cheese and olives

Berries and yogurt 

Cottage cheese with applesauce

6 saltines

2 T flax

Friday, January 7, 2022

Today's Calorie Counting Menu

 Didn't weigh today.  Been walking inside since we have around 0 temp here in the Midwest.  Have a treadmill and use that sometimes and then some days I just walk in the house for 20 - 30 min.

Today's menu:

Coffee with dry milk and cinnamon roll sf syrup

chilli with flour tortilla and veggies 

Baked apple with yogurt

cottage cheese


6 saltines

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Todays Calorie Counting Menu

 Today's menu:

Coffee with dry milk and sweetener - a new favorite

Homemade pizza - tortilla, pasta sauce, sausage, cheese, veggies

Strawberries with yogurt

2 chicken thighs

Protein bar

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Down Another # with my Calorie Counting - Today's Menu

Not going to weigh every day, but decided to do so today - down 8# so far since I started calorie counting  Jan. 1.  I have ordered a new scale.

 Today's menu:

Made a coffee drink this morning with dry milk and cinnamon flavored sweetener  -  really yummy for these cold mornings.

Shrimp, noodles, veggies in a homemade white sauce

yogurt with blueberries

Cottage cheese with applesauce with 6 saltines

May have another  flavored coffee 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

New Listings in my Etsy Shop - Prim Strawberries and Vintage Feedsack Fabric Packets

                                       All of these new listings can be found in my Etsy Shop

Today's Calorie Counting Menu:

 Today's menu:

Cornflakes with yogurt

Chilli with Corn Chips and Air Fried Veggies

Baked apple and yogurt

Cottage cheese with applesauce

6 saltines

Chilli weather definately here in the Midwest.  Hope everyone is having a great day.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Doing Well with Counting Calories Down Another 3# Today

Loving it that I am back to calorie counting.  Down # 3 today and yesterday down 4.  I know that it is a lot of water weight; but, need to get rid of it.  3 more # and I will be to where I was before Thanksgiving.  Then, I can start on the amount I had gained before.  :) Never ending.  

 Today's menu:

Homemade Soup with veggies and meatballs

Blackberries with buttermilk shake

Cup of broth

cottage cheese



Sunday, January 2, 2022

Back to Counting Calories New Start January 1

 I am back to counting calories to get the 5# holiday gain and other excess to get to my goal.  I still have 25# to go. Hopefully I can get to my goal so I can wear all of my spring and summer clothes that I haven't been able to wear for a while. 

Yesterday's menu

Flax muffin

Homemade soup

Yogurt with berries

Today's menu

Protein shake

Homemade soup

Yogurt with berries

I will be eating pretty much what I want only within my calorie range.  That is the only thing that I can stick to lately.  I have tried many ways of eating that are too restrictive and they just don't work for me anymore.

If anyone wants to do this with me that will be great.  Please message me.